Monday, October 18, 2010

More Nocturne tidbits

I spent most of my free time today messing around with blog templates and CSS, so I still can't say too much about my whirlwind weekend, but enjoy this video clip of one of my shows:


Aaaargh! Web design is the devil!

I've been using some downtime to tinker with my blog and webpage designs, and I'm SO FRUSTRATED WITH FEEDBURNER! I managed to embed a feed of this blog in my main site's html so that the front page will always have the latest news... but various style settings seem to be getting in each other's way, so that the content text, while technically there, is invisible.  Because it's black-on-black.  Even though there is NO BLACK TEXT specified in any of my stylesheets.  Anywhere.  Ever.

Screw you too, Internet.


Edit: if you are reading this (without using your magic decoder ring), it's because my good friend Terrence Drake helped me subdue the technodemon.  Thanks, doll!  *blows kiss*

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Scarlett Sparks at Nocturne

Nocturne is a free citywide art event in Halifax. I performed with Serpentine Circus at "Redemption of the Dark Side" a circus-themed performance installation at Alderney Landing. More details and photos to follow tomorrow, when I'm not so wiped out!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Autumn is here

Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow Canadians; happy Sunday to everyone else! Fall is getting serious out there; it's crisp and windy (so much so that I'm - almost - a little worried about next weekend's outdoor fire-eating gig) and time for coats and gloves... and maybe trading in the bare legs for some thick textured hose under my skirts.

On my Fall/Winter personal sewing list are the following items (but who are we kidding: with all the costumes on my To-Do list, these will be ready just in time for Summer, if at all):
  • long, red wool coat
  • assorted leather gloves in bright colours
  • knit pencil skirts and sweater dresses in jewel tones
As you can see, the idea is colour and warmth. I plan on kicking Winter's butt this year! No seasonal affective disorder for this gal...