Sunday, October 10, 2010

Autumn is here

Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow Canadians; happy Sunday to everyone else! Fall is getting serious out there; it's crisp and windy (so much so that I'm - almost - a little worried about next weekend's outdoor fire-eating gig) and time for coats and gloves... and maybe trading in the bare legs for some thick textured hose under my skirts.

On my Fall/Winter personal sewing list are the following items (but who are we kidding: with all the costumes on my To-Do list, these will be ready just in time for Summer, if at all):
  • long, red wool coat
  • assorted leather gloves in bright colours
  • knit pencil skirts and sweater dresses in jewel tones
As you can see, the idea is colour and warmth. I plan on kicking Winter's butt this year! No seasonal affective disorder for this gal...

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